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Clery Disclosure

og体育提供本年度安全报告,以遵守犯罪 Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, also known as the Clery Act. This report 为当前和未来的学生,教师和工作人员提供全面的 以及我们校园和网站安全政策的透明概述. This report is prepared annually in collaboration with the Chief Conduct Officer, 学生服务副主席,教务长,校园保安,地方执法部门 包括前三个历年的犯罪统计数字 each campus.

珍妮·克莱里披露的校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计 Act, the Clery Act – Requirements

《og体育app》明确规定,高校有义务披露具体信息 与法案相关的政策,收集和保留与报告准备相关的记录 并在特定日期前向所有学生,员工和 any individual upon request. Specifically, the college must:

  • Collect, classify, and count crime reports and statistics;
  • 创建,维护并提供最近60天的每日犯罪日志 crimes reported to the Campus Security office, which occur on; each campus, in or 在非校园建筑或财产上,或在校园内或附近的公共财产上 靠近校园并可从校园进入,以及发生的犯罪报告 within the patrol jurisdiction of the Campus Security office;
  • Gather and disseminate crime statistics;
  • 提供一份og体育校园性别的政策声明 防止性侵犯的程序,以及性侵犯发生后应遵循的程序 发生的内容包括:对提高强奸意识的项目的描述,熟人 rape, and other forcible and nonforcible sex offenses.
    -通知原告和被告的权利以及可能的制裁 根据校园纪律处分程序的最终决定 rape, acquaintance rape, or other sex offenses, forcible or nonforcible
    ~ VAWA policy statement (Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013)
  • Issue Campus Alerts;
  • 就发生的事件向学生和员工提供“及时警告”通知 可能对社区构成直接威胁的《og体育》罪行 individuals;
  • 在通知或确认重大事件时发出紧急通知 emergency or dangerous situation;
  • Establish evacuation procedures;
  • 在10月1日前发布包含校园犯罪统计数据的年度安全报告 在过去的三个日历年,包括具体校园政策的披露 and procedure statements.
  • 提供书面或电子版本的报告给在职员工和学生 by October 1st or provide the exact website where the report is located;
  • 每年秋天向教育部提交犯罪统计数据,其中包括这些 crimes occurring within Clery Geography defined as; occur in or on college owned/leased 建筑物或财产,在同一合理的连续地理范围内的财产 区域,*在学院拥有和经营的任何住房单位内,在任何非校园内 学院所有或控制的建筑物或财产,并在公共财产上运行 through the campus or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus;
  • 保留年度安全报告和所有支持文件7年 from the latest publication of the report to which they apply.

og体育年度安全报告是按照这些要求编写的 授权并协助大学社区的成员维护他们的个人 safety. The report and policy statements are written for the college and are inclusive of all campuses and non-campus buildings unless other specified. The report includes crime statistics for the Trinidad Campus, Valley Campus, Mining Tech Building. The TSC落基山线技术项目使用派克峰社区学院的财产 field. Crime statistics for the Rocky Mountain Line Tech program are included in the Pikes Peak Community College Annual Security Report. This non-campus location is included in the Pikes Peak Community College Campus Annual Security Report.
For a copy of this report, click here

珍妮·克莱里披露的校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计 Act, codified at 20 USC 1092 (f).as a part of the Higher Education Act of 1965, is 一项联邦法律要求学院和大学及时披露某些信息 annual information about campus crime and security policies. All public and private 参加联邦学生资助计划的高等教育机构 are subject to it.


  • Criminal Offenses
  • Hate Crimes
  • VAWA Offenses
  • Alcohol, Drug and Weapons Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action

og体育拥有和经营学生宿舍,并要求有消防安全 policy disclosure related to campus housing. TSC works closely with the local fire 对我们的校园和校外地点有管辖权的部门 campus wide fire alarm systems.

TSC致力于校园学生的安全,并将与学校密切合作 当地,州和联邦的执法部门如果有学生被举报 missing to them. TSC maintains a Missing Student Notification disclosure is outlined in the annual Campus Security Report and on the TSC website.


克莱利法案要求og体育首存活动(TSC)编制具体的统计数据 “在校园内、在或在非校园建筑或财产内犯下的罪行,以及。 并向(1)校园保安人员和(2)校园保安人员报告。 任何“对学生和学生负有重大责任的机构官员” campus activities. The college requests that anyone who has knowledge of a crime or has a crime reported to them, file a report with Campus Security. The college also 向那些被指定为“校园”的个人索要犯罪信息 security authorities.” The college makes a good faith effort to obtain information 来自当地警察局og体育校内和校外公共财产的信息 and non-campus buildings crimes which are reportable under the Clery Act. A request 给当地对校园或校外有管辖权的执法机构 site is sent by mail and information may be received back by mail or email.

已在统计数字中公布的已报告的犯罪不必报告 要,或经警方调查,也不得认定有罪或负刑事责任 be made for the crime to be included in the statistics. Efforts are made during the statistical gathering process to ensure that reported crimes are not duplicated.

Annual crime statistics are submitted to the U.S. Department of Education as required by current federal regulations.

所有《og体育app》犯罪的统计数据必须按犯罪类型披露 犯罪、报案的年份和发生犯罪的地理位置 occurred. These statistics along with statistics from other institutions of higher education in the United Sates may be viewed at the DOE web site.

TSC校园安全和消防安全报告可通过 Vice President of Student Services Office and the Chief Conduct Officer.